Friday, April 27, 2012

Not Just Hiking - April 2012

Want to see what I am reading and have read before I post my complete list at the end of the month? Want to know when I read a book or what I am going to read? Check out my Goodreads page. Want to see a list of every physical book in this house? Want to know what my husband read? Want to know what my kids own? Visit LibraryThing.


Physics on the Fringe by Margaret Wertheim

Flight to Heaven by Dale Black
We have a passion for flying stories in this family. My husband liked this book so much that he bought 35 copies just so he could give them away.

The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
Surprised how seeing the movie first - for many of my book club friends - caused them to read things in the book that just. weren't. there.

The Disappearing Spoon by Sam Kean
I should have taken more science classes in college. Maybe then I would have understood this book better. What I did understand, I quite liked.

Wild by Cheryl Strayed
I enjoyed parts of this book. When she was writing about being on the trail I could see what she saw and was able to understand her experiences. However, I found her too casual approach to her drug use and sexual behavior (and the lack of remorse or regret) too distracting from the story.

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
A roller coaster of a book.  Michelle Duggar should read this.  Absolutely breathtaking and amazing.

Rin Tin Tin by Susan Orlean
Disappointing, but I think I expected too much from a biography of a dog.

Arcadia by Lauren Groff
One of the best books I have read this year.  I loved each and every one of the characters for their fragile beauty and their resilience in the face of their damage.  So far ... my vote for next year's Tournament of Books.  I'd read more of Groff's work.  I was definitely worth the $3.00 in fines I racked up because I refused to take it back to the library until I read it.  I was not going to wait 99 more times.

Let's Pretend this Never Happened by Jenny Lawson
Two great books in a row and this one is the funniest book I have ever read.  But I am not recommending it to everyone.  Don't like vampire zombies ... not for you.  Have issues with profanity ... also not for you.  Think buying a 6 foot metal chicken because your husband told you not to by towels is a great idea ...  this should be on your list.  First on your list.   I have read the chapter on the metal chicken (on her blog and in her book) about 20 times and I still laugh EVERY time I read it. Our loud.  Pee my pants.  Having a bad day ... turn to Jenny. Just a chapter will help. Not only will you laugh, but you will realize that it isn't as bad as you thought it was. You don't have pugs rising from the dead in YOUR backyard. Do you?

City Slickers
"If hate were people, I'd be China."

Book in April: 9
Books in 2012: 35


Book Dragon said...

I have Flight to Heaven on my kindle but haven't gotten to it yet.

Vampire Zombies? uh, thanks for the warning.

I read The Handmaid's Tale years(?) ago but after seeing so many people talking about it, I think I need to read it again.

Happy Hiking ;)

Patricia said...

Don't let the vampire zombies scare you off.

Jean said...

I love books about chemistry, but The Disappearing Spoon wasn't an easy read. I liked it a lot though!

Ally said...

The Handmaid's Tale is on my TBR pile this year. It sounds good.